
Belonging at Tremendous

Our philosophy

Tremendous’ mission is to help organizations pay people. There are all sorts of challenging problems to solve along the way that require critical thought and significant effort. We need to attract exceptional talent to make progress on these problems.

This is why we’ve had the consistent objective of building a world-class team.

We want to attract exceptional talent, regardless of background—race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, religion, political beliefs, parenthood status. We care about skill, effectiveness in our environment, and alignment with our values.

In order to do that, our team needs to feel welcome and accepted for who they are, so that they can do their best work. It’s also just the right thing to do. It’s the type of environment that we, the founders, would want to work in ourselves.

The feeling of belonging is the end result of a series of cultural practices and standards around diversity, equity, and inclusion. And that’s why it is the focus of this doc.

Our approach

The centerpiece of our approach is a culture of respect, empathy, and trust, and must be exemplified by our company leadership. We believe this culture is more important for fostering a sense of belonging than any tactical practice.

It’s still useful to call out some of our specific DE&I practices—we've done that below. Please note that this isn't comprehensive. The intention is to illustrate our commitment to our philosophy.

Attracting and retaining diverse talent

  • We use work-samples and structured interviews whenever possible to reduce bias in the interview process.
  • We invest in building diversity in our recruiting pipelines, primarily by sourcing for candidates with underrepresented backgrounds. We pay particular attention to this for management roles.

Fair treatment in pay

Creating an inclusive environment

  • This is first and foremost modeled by the behavior of leaders at Tremendous. We expect execs and managers to be welcoming, supportive, and empathetic to people of all backgrounds, and to set that standard on their teams.
  • There are also lots of small practices that add up. For example, we maintain multiple holiday calendars to accommodate preferred customs, and our PTO policy makes it easy to take time off for other needs. We consider team travel times and visa availability when choosing offsite locations.

Measuring progress

  • We track belonging quantitatively and qualitatively.
  • Our quantitative benchmarks come from Lattice survey feedback on areas like belonging and psychological safety. These are published and available to the team.
  • Our qualitative data comes from conversations with our team—unstructured ones, but also structured .

Being open to improvements

  • We’re committed to fostering belonging by continually refining our DE&I practices over time.
  • If you have ideas, please bring them up with your manager (or any manager, really).
  • Ben and Kapil co-manage the HR function– you can also reach out to us with ideas or issues at any point.