


You’re expected to take vacation.

  • We don’t have any rules around how many weeks per year.
  • We don’t track your days off.
  • Please do propose the dates to your manager with sufficient lead time (1 week out if possible would be great) to ensure that the timing is not negatively impactful to your team.
  • Once dates are approved, mark your vacation days as OOO on your calendar. Set this as your Slack status message as well.

If you are out for a large block of time (more than 4 hours) during work hours (vacation, sick day, personal time, etc.), follow this process:


If you are out for a large block of time (more than 4 hours) during work hours (vacation, sick day, personal time, etc.), please:

1) Contact your manager in advance 1 week out if possible would be great. If you don't know the exact date, that's fine too. Just a general heads up is helpful.

In general, short vacations don't require "permission". Longer ones, especially ones during a critical time, do.


You: Hey Kapil - I'll be moving next week, so I'll need to take a day off to manage logistics, cool? Kapil: No problem! just give your team a heads up so that they have some advance notice too. You: Great

2) Give your team a heads up that you'll be out

The people you work alongside are also going to be affected, so make sure they have advance notice too.

In a public channel, like #product-internal, #team-marketing, #team-success, etc You: Hey all - I'll be out next Tuesday to move. Person X will be covering for me. Back on Weds!

3) Mark your OOO on Google Calendar and Slack

  1. Add it to your calendar as OOO. Do this in advance so people don't try to book meetings w/ you in advance. Please use the Out of Office calendar event type.
  2. Add it to the team's shared calendar, Tremendous Team Calendar (fka Tremendous OOO). This gives the team a shared view of all OOOs in one place (helps with capacity planning)
  3. Visual
  4. Mark yourself as away on Slack, with a message saying when you'll be back