2 vs 1?! Who won? 🤔

Learning how to make churros from scratch

Coffee tasting - learning how to identify different flavor profiles and how to properly brew

Mezcal tasting & tour at Diego & Frida’s studio

Closing dinner at Entremar

Learning how to make different kinds of table salsas

Whimsical Lucha Libre fun! Caught the legends of lucha night at Arena Mexico.

Friday on the boats in Xochimilco - Mezcal, mariachi, and tales of La Llorona!

Chillin at a beach bar after a scavenger hunt.

The best housing at the offsite was actually 3 minutes from the main property. We all went over there to watch the sunset.

This was the evening photos session at the main property. The headshots we took didn’t come out great.

The offsite villa had a built-in outdoor elevator called the funicular. We decided to document.

Dinner out.

The villa came with a chef, who prepped meals for 30 on most nights.

Our photographer wasn’t the best....

For the New Yorkers, culture shock.


It was way too cold to be doing this.

Working up a sweat hiking Sugarloaf.

The view of the living room, where the team worked.

Lots of 🥩
The front steps of our very strange Airbnb
Our best recreation of a JCPenney photo studio
The house was right on the Willamette and had its own dock
We thought we were getting a photog for some headshots. It turned out to be a gas doing a photo sesh with her.

Portland brews